
Welcome to Kayak Fishing UK. This site was put up TWENTY years ago in early 2004 back when the sport was relatively new in the UK and the purpose was to give information and advice to people in order to keep them safe on the water. Now in 2024 kayaks are better, safer, better made using newer UV resistant plastics and there’s a lot more equipment available as well as informational platforms like social media. Our own Facebook group has grown steadily over the years and is currently knocking on the door of 10 thousand members run by a level headed admin team of three people.

As site owner, my time in the sport has sadly come to an end after 20 years of running this site, forums and groups and helping people generally which I’ll carry on doing but only from the shore! My health is deteriorating with terrible arthritis, joints failing and I’ve recently been officially diagnosed as ‘disabled’.

I’ve moved the site to a new host and am rebuilding it with some basic information and plan to sell it on and retire. If any businesses are interested in the ‘ideal’ investment for retail I’d like £20k for the site (£1k per year) and will assist in the admin side of it to help you get started. The Facebook group will come with the site too!